Parents » Learning Update (Report Card) Instructions

Learning Update (Report Card) Instructions

Don Ross Middle School uses the MyEd Parent Portal to publish report cards. You will receive a message when report cards are ready for collection.

If you do not receive an automated message, regarding your account, it is likely that you already have an account from a previous reporting period or from another school district. If your account is with another district it can arranged for it to be moved here. 

If you have any challenges collecting reports please email (i.e. you did not receive an initial email or do not have your login ID):  [email protected]

Here are two videos that you may find helpful:

Introduction to the family portal:

Collecting report cards:

MyEd Website: 

 Some additional tips regarding collecting report cards 

Click here: MyEducation BC: Log On (

Login ID: (usually your first initial and last name) Please hold-on to this login ID as it can be used to reset your password in future sessions. If you do not have your ID then please email [email protected]

 Password: Please note, your password expires every 90 days. Put in your old password and then type in a new password.

 *If you do not remember your old password, simply click I forgot my password and you will be emailed a temporary one to access.*

 Once in, on the right side look for Published Reports. Click on Report Cards K-9 Three Term to open pdf.

 Save to your computer.